Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Revamp and restart

So, I've been hoping to work more on this blog, and we are going to change the focus of this blog. I have been learning more than just JavaScript. In the coming weeks, we'll view how to do certain projects with JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and Bash. The hope is that you will see how to integrate different programming languages to comprehensively address a problem. Here's an overview of where we're going:

  • JSP server landing page with attached user forum;
  • MySQL (or PSQL) database for keeping track of posts/comments;
  • Excel tool (and probably an HTML version too) that will be downloadable for use.

As a note, these tutorials are going to be oriented around teaching people who are completely new to programming languages, so hard-core users might find these posts slower than they might like. To accommodate these advanced users, I'll be attaching the source files at the end of the post.

Looking forward to all that will be coming in the next few weeks!

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